Mobile vet service ambulance

rea van doors open to show the closed storage drawers in the veterinary ambulance

A mobile vet service who like doing things differently

VetCare@home is a home-visiting mobile vet service dedicated to providing the best care for pets.  They believe strongly in the ethos that “Your pet is part of your family, so we’ll treat them in the very best way possible – and that means in the very best place”.

“Why put your pet through the stress of travelling to a practice when they can be seen in their home?”

Along with mobile vet services throughout the country VetCare@home have found lots of benefits for having pets seen in the comfort of their own home, including:

  • Reduced stress for the pet. No trembling dogs in the waiting room, cats being forced into baskets or rabbits terrified by the animals around them.
  • Convenience for those housebound or with work commitments – no need to travel or look for a parking space.
  • No lengthy sitting around in a waiting room

For more information about Vetcare@home services visit

veterinary ambulance with doors open to show the effect of the interior lights a veterinary ambulance interior with drawers open to highlight the storage space mobile vet service ambulance featuring hand wash facilities

Animedix veterinary ambulance

VetCare@home asked us to design a bespoke vehicle to satisfy their own unique requirements for the latest addition to their fleet of veterinary ambulances.

Whilst we do have a range of standard designs for our Animedix veterinary ambulances we fully appreciate that each mobile vet service is unique; in the services offered, the geographic areas covered and the demographics of their clients.  So creating and manufacturing a bespoke vehicle is no problem for us.

We have supply arrangements with all leading van manufacturers and whilst always happy to provide advice on what we feel may be the best cost effective vehicle for the job we recognise that many of our clients do have preferences. In this instance a Citroen Berlingo was chosen for the task, featuring double side loading doors, for convenience of use.

With the emphasis on the storage of equipment and consumables we set about creating an interior with custom built drawers and racking to hold those items required on a daily basis.  Sadly “end of life” services are also a fact of life and an appropriate space was included to carry a stretcher.

We’re please dot say that the new addition to the fleet has been a great success and help to develop further the excellent mobile vet service provided by VetCare@home


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